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How to view Council papers

Meeting agendas, decisions, minutes and background papers dating back to 27 November 2015 are available online. 

View calendar of Council meetings and agendas

Older documents are available on request, please contact us using the details at the bottom of this page.

An agenda lists the topics for discussion at a meeting and the decisions that need to be made. They are available five clear days before a meeting through the calendar of Council meetings.  

Agendas are viewable on the library computers in every library in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. A copy of the agenda is also available at Woolwich Town Hall.

Key decisions

You can find out about key decisions to be taken at Cabinet meetings, or by Cabinet members or chief officers, and when they will be taken.

Advance notice of key decisions are published to the website, usually 28 clear days in advance of the decision being taken, and are listed in the Council’s Forward Plan.

Forward Plan

Public access

The majority of meetings are open to the press and public.

If the press and public will be excluded because confidential or exempt information will be discussed, this will be identified on the agenda and the reasons why will be clearly stated. Where the cabinet intends to discuss confidential or exempt information, a notice will be published to exclude the press and public.

Can I speak at meetings?

Members of the public can address meetings on agenda items with the prior agreement of the Chair. There may be different rules for each meeting in terms of deadlines for notifying the Chair, or the amount of time allowed to speak.

If you wish to address a meeting please contact the relevant Corporate Governance Officer using the details at the bottom of the relevant agenda.

Decisions and minutes

Decisions and minutes for meetings are published on the Corporate Governance web pages.

Minutes are a formal record of meeting business, who attended and the decisions that were made. Decisions taken by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet members, chief officer key decisions and those made by committees, including planning and licensing, are all published on the website.

Braille, translations, audio and large print

The Royal Borough of Greenwich will make every effort to provide a translated, braille, audio or large-print copy of an agenda if you request it from the committee officer in charge of the meeting.

Please note that these documents will take some time to prepare and may not be available in advance of the meeting.