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Using library computers

Public computers are available to use for free in every library in Royal Greenwich. You need to be a member of the library to use the computers.

Each computer lets you access the internet, Microsoft Office 2010, Picasa 3, Adobe Reader XI, Google Earth, VLC media player and Windows Media Player. Work should be saved on removable media as each PC's hard drive is cleared each time the machine reboots.

You can use a computer for up to two hours at a time. They will close down 15 minutes before the library shuts.

Booking a library computer

You can book a computer, in person, up to three days in advance. Bookings are held for ten minutes after the start time. After that time the computer may be let out to another user.

You can book only one session per day. Computers are also available for 15-minute drop-in sessions.

For contact details, look up your local library in our libraries directory.

Find your local library

Charges for computer use

There is no charge for using the library computers. However, any user who has charges on their library account will be asked to clear the balance before being allocated a computer.