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Blackheath Westcombe ward detailed results

Blackheath Westcombe ward results (turnout 47.49 per cent)
Name Party Votes
Allman, Trevor William Monster Raving Loony Party 106
Badrinath, Usha Liberal Democrat 543
Brighty, Geoff Conservative 1,811
Fletcher, Leo Labour and Co-operative Party 1,861
Lolavar, Mariam Labour and Co-operative Party 2,036
Mathers, Jannet Green Party 627
Miller, Suzanne Jane Liberal Democrat 550
Moore, Fiona Charlotte Green Party 641
Rance, Victoria Tracy Green Party 429
Reid, Malcolm Conservative 1,406
Shahzad, Sabiha Labour and Co-operative Party 1,705
Steves, Franklin Moseley Liberal Democrat 482
Turrell, Thomas Conservative 1,482