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Woolwich Riverside ward detailed results

Woolwich Riverside ward results (turnout 30.90 per cent)
Name Party Votes
Bradley, Kieran Liberal Democrat 393
Byrne, Caolan Green Party 334
Fahy, John Labour and Co-operative Party 2,706
Fleischmann, Leonie Joslyn Rose Green Party 431
Heffernan, Sam Green Party 337
Mbang, Dominic Kobena Labour and Co-operative Party 2,585
Newton, Andrew Paul Liberal Democrat 329
Perera-Delcourt, Ramesh Prasenajith Liberal Democrat 287
Prystupa, Mariusz Piotr Duma Polska - Polish Pride 50
Smith, Jackie Labour and Co-operative Party 2,708
Spiller, Thomas Harvey Conservative 679
Thurogood-Hyde, Tomas William Conservative 558
Van Roon, Christopher Richard Conservative 543