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New council homes for local people

Our borough is suffering from the effects of London's housing crisis. Homes are unaffordable for many people including some of the key workers we all rely on to keep essential services running.

To combat this Royal Borough of Greenwich is proud to launch Greenwich Builds, one of the most ambitious Council home-building schemes ever seen in the area.

Thanks in part to funding from the Mayor of London, together with council cash, we are now committed to building 1,750 new homes to be let to local residents on waiting lists at genuinely affordable rents, with our Greenwich Builds programme.

We are also working with housing associations, developers and Meridian Home Start (a community benefit society set up by the council) to create hundreds of additional homes for local people to be let at social or genuinely affordable rents.

Together, these measures will form part of our commitment to meeting the needs of over 25,000 households currently on our housing waiting lists.

Over 740 of our new homes are now underway or complete, with work on many more due to begin soon.