Young girl with face paint jumping in a bouncy house
  • Date: 29th July 2023
  • Location: Charlton House and Gardens, Charlton Road, SE7 8RE
  • Time: 11:00 - 21:00
  • Cost: Free entry; £10 per family for treasure hunt

Stalls and family fun, including bouncy castles and a highwaymen treasure hunt. Plus a street food night!

Come one, come all for local street food, fun games, charities and community groups, a bouncy castle village, and family-friendly highmaymen treasure hunt to celebrate the summer! In the evening, the fête goes "after dark," with an outdoor night out, filled with food stalls and local tipples.

"In Time" Highwaymen Treasure Hunt: meet Charlton's history face-to-face at the Summer Fête:

Come now, ye who dare venture towards the darker part of a man's heart, a part that is driven by greed, desperation, and callousness... In the 1700s, roving bands of highwaymen made the land dangerous, populated by known outlaws, including Dick Turpin. In these harsh times, justice was swift, and a fortune awaited those daring enough to take it. A strange occurrence in the universe has brought four people from the late 1700s to our Time, and they all have paths to walk in order to return home. One thing is for sure.. .the world's fate is at stake if they don't return to their own time within an hour. Past meets present, and the world needs you.

Will you be In Time?