This online-payment form allows you to make payment for land charges search which VAT is included.

Please only complete this form after the land charges team have provided you with a case reference number to include in the transaction.

Search product - Available on this online form Fee (including VAT)
CON29R only (standard enquiries) £150 plus £30 for each additional parcel of land
All questions in CON29O £138
Individual questions in CON29R and CON29O £20
Enquirer's own questions (note that questions that need extensive research or a site visit will have different fees - check before requesting the search) £35 per question plus £13 for each additional parcel of land
Adopted Highway Plan £66
Adopted Highway Plan + additional questions £198

If you would like to search for an LLC1 only or as a part of a full search, then please click on the link below to be taken to the Non-Vatable web form.

We do apologise that this will require some customers to carry out two separate payment transactions. We are looking into developing our payment systems so that both VAT and VAT-free services can be processed together.

This form should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Thank you for using this on-line payment method.