Lee neighbourhood area residents vote in favour of new Neighbourhood Plan

Friday 23 February 2024

On Thursday 15 February residents of the Lee Neighbourhood Area, voted in a local referendum to adopt a new neighbourhood plan which will be used to decide planning applications in the area.

The residents voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Lee Neighbourhood Plan, a new framework developed by the Lee Neighbourhood Forum which ensures that future development and local planning processes serve the needs of the Lee community. Used alongside the existing Lewisham and Greenwich Councils’ local development plans, priorities include green spaces, transport, homes, town centres, heritage and more. The referendum version of the plan can be found online.  

Councillor Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said: “The Council’s plan Our Greenwich sets out our vision to create vibrant, inclusive and healthy communities, where our residents and businesses can flourish. 

“This new plan developed by local volunteers and residents sets out a framework that will put people at the heart of the decision-making process. With this decision, we will be including the priorities of Lee residents when we make planning decisions in the area moving forward.” 

Councillor Aidan Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration said: “Understanding how people interact with their local spaces and communities is central to good planning.  

“This new neighbourhood plan sets out how Royal Greenwich and Lewisham Councils can work together to ensure future development and local planning processes serve the needs of the Lee community. Together, we can deliver places that meet community needs for homes, town centres and transport while protecting the built and natural environment.” 

The new neighbourhood plan will go into immediate effect and will be used alongside existing planning systems in Royal Greenwich and Lewisham Councils.  

You can find the official results online