Make small changes to become more physically active

Monday 19 February 2024

The Director of Public Health Annual Report aims to help people in Royal Greenwich become more active.

The recommended amount of physical activity for an adult is 150 minutes per week, that’s under 30 minutes a day, and around 60 minutes a day for children 5-18 years old.  

By physical activity we don’t necessarily mean high intensity gym classes - walking more, taking the stairs rather than the lift and doing housework are all small changes we can do which make a big difference. 

Adding physical activity into our everyday lives will help to improve our health and reduce the risk and impact of long-term conditions as we age, as well as improving mental wellbeing. 

A council spokesperson said:  

“It may not always be easy to be more physically active, but this report highlights why it is important and what we can do at no or low cost to move more and significantly improve our mental and physical wellbeing in both the short and long term. 

This forms part of our wider priority to ensure people's health supports them in living their best life.” 

The Public Health Annual Report aims to get Royal Greenwich more active by understanding the different roles we all have and putting the evidence of how important being active is at the heart of the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s policies and practice. 

Watch a short introduction of the report from Steve Whiteman, Director of Public Health at the Royal Borough of Greenwich, and read the full report at   

For advice on how to take small steps to become more active, visit the Greenwich Get Active website