Change a child’s life in 2024

Monday 22 January 2024

Hundreds of new foster carers are urgently needed in Royal Greenwich to give more children a safe and loving home when they need one most.

With over 400 children and young people in our care, we are starting 2024 by asking residents to consider fostering.  

To keep children in care close to their schools, friends and support networks, we need to find around 200 new fostering homes this year. 

Cllr Matt Morrow, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “Every foster carer I have met has been quick to tell me what a life-changing experience fostering is.  

“There will be residents in our borough who are missing out on this incredibly rewarding adventure, and we can’t afford for that to continue.  

“Sadly we’re experiencing a real lack of new foster carers coming forward, meaning the council has to use expensive agencies and place young people miles away from where they live, which isn’t ideal for anyone.  

“We want to give every child the best possible start in life, and we need more foster carers to do that. Could you make 2024 the year you change a child’s life?” 

Fostering a child can happen in many different ways. It can be a short term stay for a few weeks, or a long-term placement for months or years.  

If you have a spare room, you could foster a child and give them the safe and loving home every child deserves. Speak with our friendly fostering team who will give you all the support you need.  

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