Published: Wednesday, 4th October 2023

The Children’s Health Visiting service in Royal Greenwich has launched new support initiative called Strengthening Families.

The programme, funded by the Royal Borough of Greenwich, provides vital support for vulnerable first-time families in the borough, during and after pregnancy, and up until children are two years old.

Strengthening Families was developed for families living in Royal Greenwich experiencing a wide range of challenges, including parenting difficulties, mental health issues, substance misuse, disability, domestic abuse and multiple life stressors. The programme uses the internationally recognised Family Partnership Model to assist first-time parents in achieving the best possible outcomes for their children.

A team of dedicated Specialist Health Visitors will work closely with each family to understand their circumstances and needs, and develop a personalised goal-orientated plan to support them. This will include around 13 visits planned for the first year, with a possible extension into the second year, and will focus on helping parents with bonding, healthy lifestyle choices, recognising strengths as a parent and building confidence, and building connections with the communities and support around them. The Strengthening Families Programme signifies a vital step in the journey towards better community health and support for vulnerable families.

Cllr Denise Scott-McDonald, Cabinet Member for Health and Adults’ Social Care said: "We're proud to support this important initiative. The Strengthening Families programme will drive forward our commitment to tackling health inequalities in Royal Greenwich and supporting the health and wellbeing of residents. By supporting parents in their journey, we can help young people in the borough have the best start in life."

Sophie Greenwood, Programme Lead, said: "Strengthening Families is designed with the wellbeing of families at its core. We aim to build on family strengths, enhance parenting capacity, and foster the health, development and wellbeing of children. By integrating the internationally recognised Family Partnership Model into our practice, we equip parents with personalised tools and information to be able to provide their children with the best possible start. This approach enables us to foster strong, resilient families who can weather the challenges of parenthood."

Strenghthening Families is part of the Greenwich 0 to 4 children’s public health service, provided by Bromley Healthcare. Bromley Healthcare is an NHS community care provider that offers a wide range of services for children, young people, and adults in Bromley, Royal Greenwich, and surrounding boroughs, with a vision to empower people to live their fullest lives in the heart of their communities. They work to support individuals and families towards managing their own health and promotes healthy communities to help people to live as independently as possible.

Referrals to the Strengthening Families Programme can be made by a range of healthcare professionals.

For further information about the Greenwich 0-4 Strengthening Families Programme, visit the Greenwich 0 to 4 website, or contact Sophie Greenwood, Strengthening Families supervisor at

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