Unique mural unveiled on Plumstead bridge

Thursday 13 July 2023

A colourful new mural has been unveiled on White Hart Road, inspired by the artwork of students from Plumstead Manor School.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Anthony Okereke and Cllr Aidan Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, were joined by ward councillors, representatives from the Mayor of London’s office, teachers from Plumstead Manor School, local businesses and members of the project team to unveil the mural last week.

The artwork is based on local architecture, including the historic Edwardian power station, and incorporates references from South Asian and West African textile patterns seen in textile shops along the high street.

It is part of a series of improvements that have been undertaken throughout Plumstead High Street to make the area greener, safer and more attractive for residents and businesses. The works have been funded by the Council and the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund to revitalise Plumstead High Street and its surroundings.

Cllr Aidan Smith said: “These improvements have made such a difference, giving Plumstead a vibrant new look while celebrating the diversity of the area and its fascinating local heritage. There are more attractive spaces for people to enjoy as they shop or pass along the high street, with greenery and street furniture.

“Plumstead is a priority area for the Council. Following our £16 million investment in Plumstead’s library and leisure centre, this was the next vital step in regenerating the high street and supporting local businesses. We’re also investing in Council homes on Speranza Street, which will create much needed new housing for families on our waiting lists.”

Deepa Dabasia, Curriculum Leader for Art, Design and Technology at Plumstead Manor School said: “Plumstead Manor students demonstrated pride, ambition and teamwork by collaborating with make: good to redevelop the local area in Plumstead, taking inspiration from the surrounding architecture, culture and the community. Their designs have been developed and applied to the White Hart Road underpass. A dream, to walk past a public space with your name on it and proudly say 'I did that', not many young people can, but we create those opportunities. Design to Reality! We staff at Plumstead Manor are proud to see our students' creativity represented within the local community.”

The improvements have also seen 20 new shopfronts installed at a variety of shops, offices and restaurants on the high street, highlighting each building’s architectural features. Where possible, the original timber shopfronts have been cleaned and redecorated. Several businesses also have bespoke eye-catching three dimensional signs, complementing their new window displays.

Cllr Mariam Lolavar, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Business & Skills, said: “High streets like Plumstead play a vital part in their local community, as places to shop and socialise, and also providing jobs for our residents. We’re committed to ensuring our high streets are dynamic, attractive and well maintained places, helping to support local businesses and encouraging new companies to the area.”

Jules Pipe CBE, Deputy Mayor of London for Planning, Regeneration and Skills said: “The Mayor and I are committed to doing all we can to support projects that breathe new life into our high streets. The improvements that have been made to Plumstead High Street showcase what the Mayor’s Good Growth Fund was set up for - delivering interventions that reveal the character of the local area and make high streets more attractive, safer, a better place to do business and a thriving destination for visitors.”

Other improvements delivered in Plumstead include:

  • a revitalised green space with planting, new surfacing and play features at Gavin House Green
  • new seating, surfacing and planting at Plumstead Plaza, outside Poundland
  • new seating, paving and planting at Lakedale Road
  • a refreshed green space with seating and planting at Lakedale Green
  • rain gardens and a colourful mini orchard at White Hart Road

The funding is also helping to deliver significant renovations at Plumstead Power Station, which will enable the Council to bring the historic building back into use.