Royal Greenwich welcomes new Housing Champions!

Monday 20 February 2023

On Tuesday 7 February, Council tenants across Royal Greenwich received their Housing Champion training certificates.

Housing Champions is a newly launched initiative to help council tenants take a lead role in engaging with their communities while helping to shape services on their estate. 

During this event, nine residents from five estates were awarded certificates after completing their training. They were also given further materials and support to help them thrive in their roles as Housing Champions.  

Councillor  Pat Slattery, Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Neighbourhoods, said:  

“It was a great pleasure to attend the event on Tuesday and award our dedicated Housing Champions their training certificates. 

“Everybody deserves a safe, secure and good-quality home, and Housing Champions across our borough will play a crucial part in ensuring we are meeting the needs of our residents.” 

“Housing Champions are vital to improving our estates and will be a key contact for others in the community to raise issues. They will represent the wider resident voice and signpost neighbours to important information.” 

If you are a council tenant or leaseholder, and would like to find out more about becoming a Housing Champion, please get in touch with the Community Participation & Diversity Team by emailing