Call for peace from the Royal Borough of Greenwich Multi-Faith Forum

Friday 9 February 2024

Local community and faith leaders stand together in sympathy with everyone affected by events in Israel and Gaza.

This is a historic and complex issue with strong feelings on all sides.  

But all of us want peace in the Middle East. 

Regardless of our views, no one in Greenwich should face harassment or prejudice in response. We condemn all antisemitism and Islamophobia. Everyone, whether they are Muslim, Jewish or Christian, of Israeli heritage or of Palestinian heritage, should feel safe and welcome in Greenwich. It is thanks to the tolerant and welcoming nature of our diverse communities that so many people have been able to call Greenwich home. This is our home. 

It’s one of the Council’s Our Greenwich missions to make sure that people feel safe and do not experience discrimination in our borough. 

We stand united as we pray for peace. 

We call for all residents and the wider community to treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of your views on this tragic conflict. 

There is no place for hate in our borough. There never has been and there never will be. 

For information on support for dealing with hate crime, visit 

If you or your loved ones are affected and in need of support, faith and belief specific mental health and wellbeing support is available at Good Thinking. You can also find local support services here.