Celebrating Foster Care Fortnight

Monday 15 May 2023

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is urgently recruiting people who can give a child a loving, caring home as it once again celebrates Foster Care Fortnight.

Organised by The Fostering Network, Foster Care Fortnight is an annual drive to raise awareness about the wonders of fostering and its impact on young people in care.  

Royal Greenwich has over 400 children in its care, and there is a real need for more residents to step up and join our fostering community.  

Now more than ever we urgently need people with time and space to consider giving a home to a young person when they need one most.  

Councillor Matt Morrow, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We want to keep young people in care close to their homes, close to the friends and close to their schools and that is why we need local people to give local children a safe space.  

“We’re lucky in Royal Greenwich that we have an incredible community of foster carers, but it’s no secret that we desperately need more people to join them. Fostering is lifechanging for everybody involved, so I would urge anybody who is thinking about growing their family – or that has a spare room and feels like there is something missing in their life – to consider fostering a child. 

“You could give a young person all the unforgettable childhood memories that they deserve, and we’ll make sure that you have the training and support you need to learn and grow as a foster carer yourself.” 

You can follow the #FosteringCommunity conversation on our social media channels, where our foster carers and staff will be sharing what makes fostering with Royal Greenwich so special. 

If you would like to learn more about becoming a foster carer call 0800 052 1449 or email fostering-recruitment@royalgreenwich.gov.uk