Greenwich Young People’s Council are electing new youth councillors

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Young people in Royal Greenwich have the chance to try their hand at politics as Greenwich Young People’s Council (GYPC) launches its election for new youth councillors for the upcoming term.

GYPC is a group of democratically elected young people between 11 and 18-years-old (up to 25 for young people with disabilities) who represent all young people in Royal Greenwich.  

Members must represent their schools, colleges, education providers and other youth forums to stand for election.  

Once elected, youth councillors work to hold senior leaders at the Royal Borough of Greenwich accountable and to influence the decisions made by the council. The aim of GYPC is to ensure that the voices of young people in Royal Greenwich are heard and acted on.  

GYPC strives to create social change in Royal Greenwich and to promote meaningful engagement of young people in politics, democracy and citizenship. 

Timi Jibogu, a GYPC councillor, said: “Being a youth councillor has been so fun, I've gained so many skills and done so much with amazing people, all while representing the borough I love.” 

There are many benefits to young people in joining GYPC. Youth councillors create a manifesto on key issues affecting young people in Royal Greenwich. They take part in various activities, trips and training opportunities; all while making a positive impact in their community and having fun.

Young people must nominate themselves as representatives of their school/ youth group by Friday 18 November, 5pm. This will be followed by an election campaign before the final results in February next year.  

Contact for more information or visit GYPC’s Instagram and Twitter accounts: @Greenwichypc.