Council’s trailblazing work for children in care scoops national award

Tuesday 1 November 2022

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has won a national award for its trailblazing rollout of a life-changing app for children in care. 

The Council was praised at the National Children and Young People Awards for its pioneering work with the digital life story app, Caring Life.   

Caring Life allows children in care to store their photos, videos, school reports and other important documents in one place – something that, traditionally, has been challenging for them.  

The Council has been the first in the country to pilot and launch the app; and it has already had over 7,000 uploads with more happening daily.  


Its success has now been recognised nationally with a win for 'Biggest Impact' at this year's National Children and Young People Awards.   

Councillor Matt Morrow, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We’re always looking for ways to make life easier for children in care and care leavers and we work closely with them to find solutions. This award shows that we are ahead of the game in this area and making a real difference to their lives.  

“This app gives young people access to their memories in an easy, convenient and secure way – it’s a real gamechanger and I am thrilled that we are the first in the UK to roll it out.  

“Our trailblazing approach is now going to be replicated by councils across the country, which will benefit even more children and young people. It’s a real win win.”   

Find out more about Caring Life here.