Community comes together with the family of Sabina Nessa for a special walk in her memory

Just over a year after Sabina Nessa was murdered while walking through a park in Kidbrooke, her family have organised a special walk of light in her honour.
On Saturday 24 September, Sabina’s family, friends and members of the local community, including MPs and councillors, will be walking from Cator Park to Pegler Square, in an act of solidarity and remembrance.
Jebina Islam, Sabina’s sister, said: "We would like to invite friends family, colleagues and members of the public to join us in lighting up Sabina’s walk way, this Saturday. It will be the one year since she was snatched away from us and also the anniversary of the vigil that was held last year.
"If you cannot make it in person, you are most welcome to light a candle in solidarity on your window at home in memory of our beautiful Sabina at 8.30pm."
People are welcome to join the walk at 8pm outside Cator Park South, wearing white and holding electronic candles or light sources, as Sabina loved light.
Cllr Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said: “Sabina was a wonderful teacher, loved and dearly missed. Her horrific murder is a reminder of the awful violence women and girls face, and why it’s top of our agenda as a Council. Please join us on Saturday in solidarity with Sabina, her family and our community, as we honour her life.”
Jebina added: "I feel like we should all unite together, working together to put a stop to violence against women and girls. Because enough is enough we need more unity, solidarity and love on this issue.
“My biggest heart's desire is for her voice and of other families to be heard for there to be change and actions to be taken. How Sabina died in the hands of her perpetrator. No family should go through what we went through with the trial and court.”
“Love yourself more than anyone on this planet” - Sabina Nessa