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Support for businesses

Local support 

There is a lot of support for businesses available from local resources, including the London Business Hub which helps businesses to find the right support for them. Other local sources of business support include: 

See all local Business Support Partners

Government Financial support  

The situation in relation to government financial support being made available to businesses is evolving.  

You can find out what financial support you can get for your business using the GOV.UK business support finder.    

Job Retention Bonus

If you have already accessed the Job Retention Scheme, your business would be eligible for the Job Retention Bonus which is £1,000 for each eligible employee that you furloughed and kept continuously employed until 31 January 2021.

Employment advice

GLLaB is available to help with employment queries.

Email and the team will provide or signpost you to the right information, advice and guidance.

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