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Admission arrangements for primary schools

If there are more applications than places available at a school, the admission authority for the school will use its admission criteria to decide which applicants should be offered a place.

Decisions about offers of places in community schools are the responsibility of the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Decisions about admissions to academies and voluntary aided schools are made by the schools' governing bodies.

You can find out what type of school a school is by looking at its entry in the primary school admissions booklet.

Voluntary aided schools

The admissions policies of different voluntary aided schools are varied, so we recommend that you read the admission arrangements for these schools before you apply.

These schools also have separate supplementary information forms you'll need to complete if you're applying to them.

The following schools use a supplementary information form. These forms and the schools’ admission arrangements can be can be downloaded from their website, which you can link to by clicking on the names below. 

You can find the admissions arrangements information and download supplementary information forms for primary voluntary aided schools on the specific school's website. Find a primary school's website using our directory.

Community schools 

Admissions priority

First priority will go to children with an education, health and care (EHC) plan naming the school.

Remaining places will be given in the following order:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children who have been adopted or become subject to a child arrangements or a special guardianship order, immediately after having been looked after.

A looked after child is a child who is in the care of an English or Welsh local authority, including foster care.

2. Children who have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.

3. Children or their immediate family member with a chronic medical or social care need for a particular school.

Applicants need to set out the reasons why the school can best meet needs and the implications for the child or immediate family member if a place was not obtained at the school. Evidence of the condition or need must be submitted with the application, such as a letter from a registered health professional or practitioner, i.e., a doctor or a social worker.

4. Children who have a sibling (brother or sister) living at the same address - who will be attending the school at the time of the child's admission.

Sibling means a full, half, step brother or sister. This does not include siblings who attend a school's nursery provision.

5. Other children based on home to school distance.

Distance from home to school is measured as a straight line from the centre of the home address to the centre of the school site. In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school. Should two or more applicants live an equal distance from the school, including instances where more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation.

Attendance at a school's nursery, children of staff, work commitments and childcare arrangements are not part of the decision making process.

Primary academy schools have the same or similar arrangements as primary community schools.

You can find full details of the council's admission policies in the Royal Greenwich primary admission arrangements document.

View the primary school offers map