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Check which grants you can claim

This table gives you general guidance about which grants you can claim depending on which benefits you get. 

The grants you’re eligible for will depend on where you live and what school your child goes to.  

The Pupil Benefits Team will work out which grants you can get when you apply.

Benefit you receive School grant you can register for
Income Support Free school meals, clothing grant, journeys grant
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance Free school meals, clothing grant, journeys grant
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Free school meals, clothing grant, journeys grant
Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Free school meals, clothing grant, journeys grant
Pension Credit Guarantee Free school meals, clothing grant, journeys grant
Universal Credit with an annual net income of no more than £7,400 Free school meals, clothing grant, journeys grant
Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the basic family element Clothing grant, journeys grant. Free school meal if your annual gross income not more than £16,190 and you're not eligible for Working Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit Clothing grant, journeys grant