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Early years and childcare information for professionals

The following information is for early years and childcare professionals who are supporting Royal Greenwich residents and their children.

Statutory Duties

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has statutory duties to:

  1. Secure sufficient, high quality, accessible early education and childcare provision to improve outcomes for all children irrespective of background or family circumstances. This promotes improved outcomes for children, but also supports parents’ access to employment or training and contributes to the drive to reduce poverty.
  2. Provide information, advice and training on driving up quality and meeting the requirements of the early years foundation stage (EYFS), meeting the needs of children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), and effective safeguarding and child protection for providers to ensure all children have the best possible start in life.

Role of an early years and childcare advisor

Early years and childcare advisors are here to provide support, advice and guidance for: 

  • potential providers
  • newly registered provisions
  • pre-Ofsted inspection preparation
  • post-Ofsted inspection action plan
  • welfare requirement notices
  • safeguarding
  • monitoring and compliance.

What we offer

Early years and childcare professionals working in Royal Greenwich will receive:

  • specially designed, locally informed training courses and briefings for early years and childcare providers
  • up-to-date and relevant key information about the early years and childcare sector
  • useful resources, including a regular e-bulletin update, templates and toolkits
  • free early years funded learning entitlements for two, three and four year olds.