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Disabled Facilities Grant

If you live in a privately owned or privately rented home and you have a substantial disability you may be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant.

What type of work is covered?

Help is available to pay for any major adaptations that have been recommended by an occupational therapist so that you can live more independently. These might include:

  • a ramp or lift to enable you to get in and out of your home
  • a stairlift or through-floor lift to enable you to travel up to your bedroom or bathroom
  • a walk-in shower if you are unable to get in and out of the bath without help
  • a kitchen adapted for you if you use a wheelchair.

Who qualifies for help?

If you have been assessed by an occupational therapist who recommends an adaptation to your home, you are eligible to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant.

An assessment will be carried out of your income and savings.

  • If you are living on a low income and have little in savings you will be eligible for help.
  • If you have a higher income or a larger amount in savings you may have to contribute towards the cost of the work, or you may not be eligible for help.

Parents applying for a grant on behalf of their disabled child will not have to undergo an assessment of their income and savings.

Council tenants

If you are a tenant of Royal Borough of Greenwich you do not have to apply for a grant. Your occupational therapist will pass their recommendation to the Disability and Home Improvement Team so the adaptation can be installed.

How much is available?

Grants of up to £30,000 are mandatory. In other words, if you meet the qualifying criteria the council must, by law, give you a grant.

If the cost of the adaptations is more than £30,000, the Royal Borough may offer you an interest-free loan to pay some or all of extra costs provided that they are reasonable.