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Severe cold weather, icy conditions or heavy snow can disrupt bin collections, street cleansing and other services. We will update you on any disruptions.

Residential streets

We aim to sweep all residential streets at least once a week, usually on the same day we collect your bins.

Find out your bin collection day

In Autumn, we sweep roads more often to deal with heavy leaf fall.

Check how often we clear roads during leafing season.

Town centres and shopping areas

We aim to clean town centres daily.

We jet wash town centres and busy shopping areas twice a year.

Area Month for jet washing
Abbey Wood, Wilton Road April
Plumstead High Street April to May
Woolwich Town Centre May to June
Greenwich Town Centre June
Eltham Sign and Eltham Town Centre July
Abbey Wood, Wilton Road July
Plumstead High Street July to August
Woolwich Town Centre August to September
Greenwich Town Centre September
Eltham Sign and Eltham Town Centre October

Environmental crime

We take specific steps to tackle environmental crime (crime that negatively affects the environment).

Find out how we tackle environmental crime

What you can do

You can help to make Royal Greenwich a more pleasant place to live by: