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What to do if your vehicle has been removed

Where contracted to Royal Borough of Greenwich, vehicle removal companies and bailiffs - also known as civil enforcement agencies - have the authority to remove vehicles.

A vehicle may be relocated to another street in the vicinity or taken to a car pound if it:

  • is parked illegally
  • is causing an obstruction
  • is parked in contravention of regulations around a special event, such as a Charlton Athletic home game
  • has multiple unpaid and unchallenged parking fines (penalty charge notices or PCNs) outstanding.

Find out where your vehicle is 

If you think your vehicle has been removed or relocated, you should visit the London TRACE service website to find out the location of your vehicle.

In most cases, before a vehicle is removed or relocated for a parking contravention, you should receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

If your vehicle has been relocated

Once you have found the location of your vehicle using the TRACE website, you must collect it from that location. If the vehicle is relocated, a PCN may have been issued but there is no cost for the relocation.