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CCTV traffic enforcement in Royal Greenwich

The Royal Borough of Greenwich uses a network of CCTV traffic enforcement cameras to enforce bus lane, moving traffic and parking contraventions. 

CCTV traffic enforcement will help Royal Greenwich to achieve our commitments to: 

  • reduce traffic congestion 
  • improve road safety in general and around schools 
  • make bus journeys more reliable  
  • improve air quality.  

Moving traffic offences were previously enforced by the police and transferring this responsibility to the council will enable the police to focus more resources on combatting and reducing crime. 

If you get a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or Warning Notice

If you get a PCN or Warning Notice you can go online to:

  • view CCTV footage of the offence
  • pay a PCN
  • challenge a PCN

You will need the PCN or Warning Notice number and vehicle registration to do this. 

Check, pay or challenge a PCN

If a challenge against a PCN progresses to the Environment and Traffic Adjudicators tribunal, copies of CCTV images will be provided to the Adjudicator and the appellant as part of the appeal process.

What we enforce using CCTV 

Bus lanes 

Research shows that CCTV enforcement in bus lanes reduces the number of people using bus lanes illegally and improves bus running times and journey reliability which encourages more people to travel by bus. 

Moving traffic offences 

Royal Greenwich will enforce a range of moving traffic restrictions which include things like: 

  • making illegal turns  
  • ignoring no entry signs  
  • illegally stopping in yellow box junctions.  

Making illegal turns and ignoring no entry signs can have serious consequences for pedestrians and other motorists.  

Illegal stopping in yellow box junctions can have a serious impact on public, commercial and private vehicle journey times which can lead to congestion and a negative impact on air quality.   

Illegal parking 

CCTV can be used to enforce illegal parking outside schools and at bus stops. Parking on ‘keep clear’ markings outside schools poses a serious threat to child safety; and parking at bus stops means busses cannot get close enough to the kerb to allow people with mobility issues to get on the bus, severely impacting people’s ability to travel.   

The government has recently extended the powers to enforce traffic contraventions by CCTV to include mandatory cycle lanes (these are cycle lanes which are marked with a solid white line). There are certain restrictions on where this can be applied, and we will consider how this can be used in Royal Greenwich.

View a list of signs and restrictions which CCTV can enforce

CCTV, Freedom of Information and Data Protection 

Royal Greenwich CCTV cameras are there to help prevent and detect crime, antisocial behaviour and disorder and to help enforce bus lane, moving traffic and specific parking contraventions.  

We will provide CCTV images to the police if they are needed for the investigation or prosecution of a crime. We will not give CCTV images to anyone else, unless they are entitled to have them under the Data Protection Act. 

Your data rights  

In relation to the personal data which we may hold about you, you have the right to: 

  • be informed about the collection and use of your personal data 
  • request access 
  • ask for errors to be corrected 
  • restrict how your information is used 
  • object to how your information is processed 
  • request that your data is deleted.  

Under data protection law, we must verify your identity and explain our reasons if we do not agree to carry out your request.  

You have the right to complain about an organisation’s information rights practices to the Information Commissioner’s Office

Contact and further information  

For more information about how we use your personal data, visit our data protection webpage.