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The London Borough of Lewisham has launched their Healthy Neighbourhoods programme to reduce car use and encourage more people to walk and cycle. The Royal Borough of Greenwich supports this ambition which is in line with our own Transport Strategy.  

The first Healthy Neighbourhood Lewisham is developing is in Lee Green. The project aims to reduce traffic cutting through the Lewisham and Lee Green area and improve conditions for pedestrians and people on bikes, to create a safer, healthier area.

Lee Green Healthy Neighbourhood

Lee Green adjoins the boundary of both Lewisham and Royal Greenwich, so in July 2019 we wrote to local residents to make them aware that Lewisham Council was seeking views on the area and its streets. We encouraged Royal Greenwich residents to respond to the engagement to help shape the proposals, and Lewisham agreed to extend the engagement period so Royal Greenwich residents had more time to respond.

Based on the feedback they received during the engagement period, Lewisham has developed plans which they are now proposing to implement on an experimental basis. The measures would be trialled and monitored through a temporary traffic order for between 6 and 18 months to measure their impact and gather local opinion on the changes.

View Lewisham's proposals 

We want to hear from you

Now that Lewisham has confirmed its proposals, we would like to know your views on them.

We recently held a public meeting with local residents on 22 January 2020. At the meeting, the following views were shared by residents (please note: these were majority views, rather than unanimous):

  • Concern about the modal filter on Upwood Road - residents felt that excessive traffic is primarily a peak hours and school traffic issue
  • Support for Royal Greenwich to carry out public consultation on parking controls for its streets close to Lee Station
  • Colfe’s School and the Council should work together to reduce the impact that travel to and from the school has on the local community

Although the meeting was well attended, we would encourage local Greenwich residents who were not present to review Lewisham’s proposals and send us your comments by clicking on the red button below. Please send us any comments by 28 February 2020.

Share your views

What happens next?

  • We will share our residents’ feedback on these proposals with Lewisham Council. We will seek to find solutions to key issues together.
  • If residents are supportive, we will undertake public consultation on parking controls for our streets between the A20 and A205.
  • We will be meeting with Colfe’s School to discuss how travel to and from the school could be improved.