Get a refund
You can get a refund if you no longer need your:
- resident permit
- business permit
- nanny permit
There must be at least 2 full months left before your permit expires.
The refund amount will be a proportion of the annual cost for any full months left on the permit, minus a £5 admin fee.
You can also get a refund on your car park permit. Find out about car park permit refunds.
Apply online
To apply for a refund log into your PermitSmarti account, select ‘My permits’, then select the 3 dots next to the car symbol of the permit you wish to cancel. The following screen will give you the option to request a cancellation. By selecting this option an email will be sent to the back office requesting the cancellation. On the ‘Additional information’, state the date when you would like the permit to be cancelled and the reason why.
Please be aware that the refund will be returned directly to card that was used to make the payment within 7 to 10 days.