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Become a childminder in Royal Greenwich

We offer childminders free advice and guidance about Ofsted, Early Years Foundation Stage and safeguarding. This includes support before you’re registered and continues after your Ofsted inspection.

As a Royal Greenwich independent childminder, you get: 

  • free or low-cost webinars, workshops, and training at times that fit with childminders’ working patterns. This is designed to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage, Ofsted Inspection framework and safeguarding 
  • allocated Early Years and Childcare Advisor  
  • dedicated email and telephone line for enquiries and advice  
  • new premises and settings visits  
  • information sessions to up-date you on local and national issues 
  • networking and peer forum with other childminders 
  • information support packs including useful templates and monthly e-bulletins 
  • local authority funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds without fee deduction 

Who can register as a childminder

You must register as a childminder if you look after children: 

  • under the age of 8 
  • for more than 2 hours a day 
  • in your own home 
  • get paid - including payment in kind (any service or good given instead of cash)

Registration with Ofsted can take up to 12 weeks. 

It is an offence to provide childcare without being registered or on premises that have not been approved unless you are a nanny working in the child's home.  

Check if you can register to be a childminder on GOV.UK 

There are two registers. 

The Early Years Register 

You should join this register if you're caring for children from birth to 31 August following their fifth birthday.

You will need to meet all safeguarding, welfare and learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).  

The Childcare Register

This register has two parts: 

  • Compulsory - for providers who care for children from 1 September after the child's fifth birthday up until their eighth birthday 
  • Voluntary - if you're looking after children aged eight and over, or choosing to register voluntarily for example, if you're a nanny

How to meet the Ofsted requirements 

You must meet the requirements set out by Ofsted before your pre-registration visit.  

We can help you can meet these requirements by sending you a Becoming a Childminder briefing and support pack (free).  

If you decide you want to register and take up our training, you can also book an: 

  • Initial site visit (£20)
  • Introduction to Childminding Practice (5 day course for £280)

To book email  

Contact the Families Information Service using the details below to: 

  • receive your briefing and support pack 
  • be added to the list for training 
  • talk through the criteria and get help with the process 

How to register 

You must register as a childminder on GOV.UK. 

To register, you need:  

You need to complete your Paediatric first aid and Safeguarding training, and have a good knowledge of early years development before your Ofsted registration visit.

The Greenwich Introduction to Childminding Practice (ICP) course covers all 3, giving you everything you need to get started.