The child protection enquiry process
If we become aware of possible serious risks to the welfare of your child during an initial assessment it will be necessary to conduct a more detailed assessment, called a core assessment, with the assistance of other agencies.
We will also speak to our colleagues in the police child abuse investigation team to decide whether they should be involved.
What happens during an enquiry?
We realise that enquiries may make parents feel anxious or upset, so we carry out our work as sensitively as possible. We know that parents are vital in helping professionals to understand the family situation.
A social worker will visit you at home and talk to you about the referral and explain the reasons why we are concerned. We will also ask you your views on the referral.
The enquiry may be undertaken solely by social workers or jointly by a social worker and a police officer from the police child abuse investigation team. A joint investigation will occur if there is a possibility that a criminal offence might have been committed. We will inform you if this is the case. The child may be given a medical exam.
Will my child be removed?
Many parents are worried that when Children's Services becomes involved their child might be removed from home. Our work in child protection is about helping parents, as we know that the best place for a child to be is with their family, provided it is safe.
The vast majority of children continue to live at home with their family even when Children's Services is involved.