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What makes a child or family eligible for a child and family assessment?

When a referral is made, it is important that the we understand what help you need.

We have a duty to prioritise children who are most in need.

In the following situations, our staff will complete what is called an initial assessment if:

  • a child is at risk of direct harm from physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • a child's wellbeing and development are being significantly harmed by neglectful parenting
  • a child is disturbed and difficult and a parent is unable to manage the child
  • a child self-harms
  • a child is beyond parental control
  • a child is 16 to 17, has no parent or carer and is unable to lead an independent life
  • a child is under 16 and has no interested adult to exercise appropriate parenting responsibilities
  • a child's parents abuse alcohol and/or drugs, which significantly affects their parenting ability
  • an adult who may present a risk to children moves into a household with under 18s
  • an unborn child whose parent has had previous children who have been the subjects of child protection plans or who have been removed from their care
  • a child who has been sexually exploited or is at risk of exploitation
  • a child up to the age of 18 acts as a carer because of incapacity of parents or carers
  • a child is infected or affected by HIV/AIDS
  • a child is a threat to themselves or others
  • a child has mental health difficulties and is not engaged with other services
  • a child has persistent unexplained health problems
  • there are two or more reports of domestic violence where there are children in the family
  • a child's parent is under 18 years old and is isolated from appropriate support networks
  • a child's parents are prevented from carrying out their parental role due to disability, learning disability, mental illness or social exclusion
  • a child is re-referred to us within 12 months of being the subject of a child protection plan
  • a child is the subject of an Anti-social Behaviour Order (ASBO)
  • a child is re-referred to us because of 'low' key concerns within 12 months of the removal of a statutory order such as a supervision or care order
  • a child has a significant disability or chronic health problems
  • a child's parent or parents have no recourse to public funds
  • an unborn child whose parents' behaviour appears to compromise their ability to safely parent in the future
  • a child's parent or carer has HIV/AIDS.