Represent young people's views to shape Council decisions
What is it?
Greenwich Young People's Council (GYPC) is a group of elected young people which exists to represent the views of children and young people from across the borough and to influence decision-making within the council.
You can run for election to be a youth councillor for your school or youth hub. As a youth councillor, you'll help to:
- raise awareness of how young people can get involved in politics, democracy and citizenship
- help other young people understand how policies can affect them, and how they can shape these policies.
You'll also meet new people, learn new skills and take part in regional and national activities.
Watch the video below, made by Greenwich Young People's Councillors, to learn more about their personal experience.
Greenwich Young People's Council 2017 video from Participation People on Vimeo.
Speak with your school or youth hub to find out who your youth councillors are. Or email
Every two years, GYPC produces a manifesto, outlining its priorities for the council's two year term in office.
1. Mental Health Young people who participated told us: GYPC also developed a Mental Health Young Researchers programme. They recruited eight young people to undertake a research project to look at what’s good, needs improving and missing from mental health support services for young people in Greenwich. Our young researchers achieved an amazing 1,892 responses from young people who live or study in the borough. They then conducted data analysis, identified key themes and came up with some tangible recommendations. Their research is being used to inform the further development of mental health support services in the borough, including the redesign of CAMHS. 2. Street Safety At the end of the day: GYPC designed and delivered a series of Police Youth Think Tanks (PYTTs) during the summer term. These were educational, fun and engaging workshops to bring young people and decision makers together to discuss key street safety topics. 80 young people and 16 professionals participated in the PYTTs. All the participants told us they learned something new, and across the sessions: 3. Curriculum Life At the end of the day: 1. Skills for employment and preparing for adulthood Young people who participated told us: 2. Tackling discrimination GYPC are calling for schools to work with its students to deliver one of 10 projects suggested by young people. The top three projects are: We're also delighted that this event won a national award - the British Youth Council's Inspiring Project Youth on Board Award. 3. Meeting decision-makers and responding to consultations We also contributed to the
GYPC planned and developed a Mental Health Champions project. They recruited 17 young people from ten schools to be trained as Mental Health Champions, to increase their awareness and the awareness of their peers of mental health.
GYPC worked with teams in Children’s Services and CACT to host an Anti-Knife Crime Summit for young people across Greenwich on Thursday 14 February 2019. Their aim was to provide an opportunity for young people to come together to explore the issue of knife crime further, learn more about it and think about how we can tackle it together. 65 young people from 14 schools attended the summit.
GYPC supported the annual Takeover Challenge event in November 2018, and 30 young people and 25 decision-makers participated. Takeover Challenge gives young people the opportunity to ‘takeover’ the roles of decision-makers across the Council and is endorsed nationally by the Children’s Commissioner for England.
GYPC ran a very successful Young Apprentice programme in February 2017. 32 young people participated in the programme, which included a day at NatWest's Head Office in Central London to learn more about business and enterprise.
GYPC held a borough-wide youth conference in June 2016 to bring together young people from across the borough's schools and colleges to discuss and challenge the issue of discrimination.
GYPC met with lots of decision-makers and responded to a number of consultations in 2018, including:
UK Parliament representative
The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) is a programme run by the British Youth Council, which provides opportunities for 11 to 18 year olds to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change.
Every year, GYPC elects a Member of UK Youth Parliament (MYP) to represent Royal Greenwich nationally. The MYP attends national events throughout the year, including the UK Youth Parliament's annual sitting and the annual House of Commons debate.