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Training courses for engaging with young people

As part of Greenwich Youth Voice's commitment to continually develop and increase young people's participation in Greenwich, they offer a full programme of training courses for professionals.

Training courses on offer include:

  • involving children, young people and parents in staff recruitment and selection
  • engaging young people using social media
  • creative facilitation
  • involving children, young people and parents in service design, delivery and evaluation
  • and more

These courses are free to:

  • officers and elected members at the Royal Borough of Greenwich who work with children, young people and parents
  • member agencies of the Greenwich Safeguarding Children Board
  • organisations commissioned by the Royal Borough of Greenwich to deliver services that work with children, young people and parents
  • members of the GAVS (Greenwich Action for Voluntary Services) network that work with children, young people and parents

For information about upcoming training courses and to book a place, go to Greenwich Youth Voice's Eventbrite booking page