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Allotment rules

We have produced an allotment protocol that guides the allocation of allotment plots and rules allotment tenants must follow.

If tenants do not meet the conditions, they may be given notice to quit and asked to return their keys.

  1. Plots are offered to the person at the top of the waiting list when they become available.
  2. You can only add your details to one of the waiting lists for available allotments
  3. Waiting lists will close when they reach the same number of plots on the site
  4. If you already have an allotment plot, you cannot apply for another one on the same site or another site
  5. Allotment waiting lists are only for people who live in the Royal Borough. If you live outside, you will need to apply to your own or neighbouring boroughs
  6. Tenants cannot wait for specific plot numbers on a chosen site
  7. We will issue five-rod plots as standard. Ten-rod plots will be halved into two five-rod plots if they become available
  8. Allotment tenancies end automatically if the tenant dies
  9. You need to provide proof to be eligible for a discount on allotment rent. We must have received this no later than 1 March to get a discount for the next year starting 1 April
  10. Tenants who do not cultivate their plots will be sent one warning. You will then have 14 days to show clear signs of improvement
  11. If there has been no improvement after 14 days, tenants will be issued with a final notice to quit and be asked to return the keys to your plot. Any representations against the non-cultivation warning must be made during the 14-day warning period.