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For a safe and healthy workplace

The law places specific responsibilities for managing health and safety on employers and employees. Here's a broad outline of how this applies to employers.

Your responsibilities

As an employer, you have a legal duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace. This includes:

  • a safe system of work
  • a safe place of work
  • safe equipment, plant and machinery
  • carrying out risk assessments, and taking steps to eliminate or control these risks
  • informing employees fully about all potential hazards associated with any work process, chemical
  • substance or activity, including providing instruction, training and supervision
  • providing adequate facilities for employees' welfare at work
  • reporting any accidents and ill health at work.

Read the enforcement policy (environmental health and trading standards)

Cooling towers

If your workplace has cooling towers or evaporative condensers installed, you need to get them registered.

Register a cooling tower

Further information

If you need further information, the appropriate enforcing authority - either your local council or the Health and Safety Executive - will be able to help.

For information about workplace fire regulations, please visit the London Fire Brigade website.

Advice for employees