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Whilst the council can take action against those who repeatedly make unreasonable noise that impacts on their neighbours' enjoyment of their homes, there are some day to day noises that are heard due to people living in close proximity to one another. Examples would include foot steps and noise from washing machines and vacuum cleaners. In these instances it may require more understanding and patience rather than formal action or intervention by the council.

You should also consider how activities may impact on those around you.

Here are some common examples of noise problems and guidance from our Community Protection Team.

DIY noise

Some people may choose to complete those DIY tasks that they have been meaning to get around to. Whilst you may enjoy putting your time at home to good use, your neighbours will not enjoy long periods of drilling, sawing or hammering.

Be considerate by only carrying out noisy DIY between 8am and 6pm, from Monday to Friday, and 8am to 1pm on Saturday. We discourage the use of power tools on Sunday and bank holidays. Try to not to use noisy power tools for more than three hours a day.

Entertainment noise

You may want to catch up with your favourite box set or listen to your favourite artists. Be considerate by keeping the volume to a reasonable level that cannot be heard outside your home. It helps to keep the windows closed or use headphones.

Construction noise

The construction site next door or opposite your home might be finished for the day when you return home from work, but now you're home during the day you might hear the work taking place on the site.

Construction work is inherently noisy but as long as the site is managed well, keeps to the hours of 8am to 6pm (for noise generating work), and locates noisy activities as far away from neighbours as is reasonably practicable, they are working within the terms of the law and their planning conditions.

Children playing

If you are a parent please do your best to ensure that play activities do not disturb your neighbours. This is particularly important advice when you have people living above or below you.

Get help and report noise

In many instances, we will offer advice and try to resolve the problem by writing to those making the noise.

We risk assess reports of noise and prioritise complaints where more than one neighbouring address is affected.

You can report ongoing noise by calling 020 8921 8921.

Our day time service hours are: 

  • Monday to Wednesday from 8am to 5.30pm
  • Thursday to Sunday from 8am to 2am

Our team use the Noise App to investigative noise complaints. If you have an existing noise complaint, this makes it easier for you to report and submit recordings. 

Please speak to your case officer before using the app or your recordings may not be authorised.

You will need to create an account and log in to make a noise complaint. Please do not use the "message" function once your request has been completed. 

Make a noise complaint