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About the Youth Offending Service

Young offenders, or young people who are at risk of committing crime, can get help and support from the Youth Offending Service.

The Youth Offending Service is a team of professionals, set up by the government and local organisations, who are working together to prevent youth crime. The team is made of:

  • social workers
  • probation officers
  • police officers
  • education workers
  • health workers
  • referral order co-ordinators
  • parenting co-ordinators
  • youth workers
  • administrative staff.

Aims of the Youth Offending Service

The Youth Offending Service works to national standards guidelines issued by the Youth Justice Board.

We aim to:

  • ensure the swift administration of justice so that every young person accused of breaking the law is helped without delay
  • confront the young offender with the consequence of their offending for themselves, their families, communities and the victims of their offences
  • provide support and structured programmes of work, which tackles the circumstances that put young people at risk of offending (personal, social, health and education)
  • work with courts in partnership to ensure sentences are proportionate to the seriousness of the offences
  • encourage reparation to victims by young offenders
  • work in partnership with parents to reduce re-offending by their children
  • provide all Youth Offending Team services within the context of our equal opportunities policies.