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Planning guidance for conservation areas

Character appraisals and management strategies for conservation areas are used to help determine planning applications for external alterations and new development. They also form background documents informing the production of local plans.

Each character appraisal features the history and character of the conservation area and what makes it special.

The management strategy recommends ways to preserve and enhance the area. This could include proposals for changes to the boundary, and buildings to be added to the local heritage list. The purpose is to:

  • assess whether the existing planning controls are adequate to protect the character of the area, and if not, to recommend additional controls
  • encourage building repairs and alterations that are sympathetic to the style and character of the buildings in the area.

Maps and adopted character appraisals

The following conservation area appraisals and management strategies have been produced - you can also download a map showing the boundaries of each conservation area below:

Conservation area Documents Designation
All Map showing all 23 conservation areas N/A
Ashburnham Triangle

Ashburnham Triangle character appraisal, management strategy and map


Blackheath character appraisal, management strategy and map
Greenwich and Blackheath management guidance

Blackheath Park

Blackheath Park character appraisal, management strategy and map
Greenwich and Blackheath management guidance

Charlton Village

Charlton Village character appraisal, management strategy and map

Charlton Riverside

Charlton Riverside map boundaries

Charlton Riverside Conservation Area Character Appraisal SPD

March 2018

March 2021

Deptford High Street

Deptford High Street map boundaries

East Greenwich

East Greenwich character appraisal, management strategy and map
Greenwich and Blackheath management guidance

Eltham Green

Eltham Green map boundaries

Eltham Palace

Eltham Palace character appraisal, management strategy and map

Goldie Leigh Hospital

Goldie Leigh Hospital map boundaries

Greenwich Park

Greenwich Park character appraisal, management strategy and map
Greenwich and Blackheath management guidance

Plumstead Common

Plumstead Common character appraisal, management strategy and map

Progress Estate

Progress Estate character appraisal, management strategy and map

Rectory Field

Rectory Field character appraisal, management strategy and map

Royal Arsenal

Royal Arsenal map boundaries

Shrewsbury Park Estate

Shrewsbury Park Estate character appraisal, management strategy and map

Sun in the Sands

Sun in the Sands character appraisal, management strategy and map

Thames Barrier and Bowater Road

Thames Barrier and Bowater Road map boundaries

Thames Barrier and Bowater Road conservation area appraisal 2021

March 2018

March 2021

Well Hall Pleasaunce

Well Hall Pleasaunce map boundaries

Westcombe Park

Westcombe Park character appraisal, management strategy and map
Greenwich and Blackheath management guidance

West Greenwich

West Greenwich character appraisal, management strategy and map
Greenwich and Blackheath management guidance
Greenwich Town Centre colour guidance note


Woolwich Conservation Area map

Woolwich Conservation Area Appraisal


March 2022

Woolwich Common

Woolwich Common character appraisal, management strategy and map