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You have the right to appeal all housing register decisions we make about you. 

You must do this in writing, within 21 days of us telling you about our decision. Give us as much information as possible, so we can consider your appeal fairly. 

You can appeal: 

  • a decision to not include you on the housing register 
  • a decision to suspend you from the housing register 
  • the housing band we put you in 
  • a decision to offer or not offer you a particular property 
  • a decision to close your housing registration application 

Your appeal will be considered by a member of staff who was not involved with making the original decision. 

We will contact you within 10 working days to tell you if your appeal was successful. 

Send your appeal to: 

The Allocations team   
The Woolwich Centre 
35 Wellington Street  
Woolwich, SE18 6HQ.