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Development Opportunity for Community Land Trusts

In 2021 the Council made available two small sites for development by Community Land Trusts (CLTs) in Royal Greenwich.

The first site is Susan Road/Delme Crescent, Kidbrooke, SE3 0JD and SE3 0ED, the second site is Mottisfont Road/Felixstowe Road, Abbey Wood SE2 9LL

The land disposal process

Following a procurement exercise the Council selected London Community Land Trust and Greenwich Citizens as our preferred bidder to develop the site. They will be working in partnership to deliver their proposals.

The successful bidders were required to demonstrate that they have a strategy for consulting with the local community on the proposed scheme development, and an allocations policy that gives priority to residents of Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Next steps

Consultation with the local community regarding the scheme proposals will be carried out by the London CLT and Greenwich Citizens.

Any Development proposals will be subject to planning approval, the scheme is due to start on site in 2024.

Where to find out more about the scheme

London Community Land Trust website


Greenwich Citizens Housing contact:

Where to go to find out more about CLTs 

The National Community Land Trust Network provides advice, training and resources for CLTs.

Community Led Housing London provides start-up funding and advice for CLTs and other forms of community-led housing.