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Profile of Royal Greenwich residents

Find out more about the socio-economic, deprivation and geo-demographic profile of the borough and its residents.

2021 Census data

The population of Royal Greenwich increased by 13.6% between the 2011 and 2021 Censuses, from 254,557 to around 289,100.

Find out how the borough has changed in 10 years.

2011 Census

You can download general population analysis, as it was in 2011, for each of the 17 wards in Royal Greenwich, as well as for the borough overall and in comparison with London. 

Download the population overview reports.

Ward profiles

There are two sets of ward profiles. The first set uses data from the 2011 census to provide a comprehensive overview of the wards based upon the results of that census.

The second set provides information from 2020 from a variety of sources including Acorn CACI datasets (©1979 – 2020 CACI Limited), Nomis, StatXplor and the Department for Education (DfE).

Each has introductory documentation that clarifies what each document covers and the sources that are used.

Ward profiles - based on Census data

Ward profiles - based on a variety of data sources

Official data

Sources of the data include:

  • the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Census
  • Greater London Authority (GLA)
  • ad-hoc population data and 'commissioned table releases' (Nomis).

If you would like to perform your own analyses using the raw data, you can download the population data on the Nomis website.

Specific population analysis

This section provides a range of analyses related to Royal Greenwich's population make-up. These include:

  • migration patterns
  • population estimates and projections
  • research identifying new communities.

Download specific population analysis documents

Children and young people

We have a range of data about the profile of children and young people in the borough.

Download information about children and young people in the borough

Language, ethnicity and religion

The population of Royal Greenwich is comprised of a rich mix of diversity and multiculturalism, with over 90 different languages spoken. Analyses of the latest official datasets to understand the ethnic, language and religious profile of the borough's residents are available.

Download analyses of language, ethnicity and religion in Royal Greenwich

Housing analysis

With over 100,000 homes across Royal Greenwich, it is important to understand the characteristics of residents living across a range of household types and tenures. This section provides a number of analytical reports, identifying trends between household types and the socio-economic characteristics of residents.

Download housing analysis reports

Transport analysis

Royal Greenwich is home to a range of strategic transport hubs connecting it to the rest of London and the south east. These include Woolwich Arsenal, the Emirates Air Line at North Greenwich and two Crossrail stations in Abbey Wood and Woolwich. You can find a range of analyses relating to transport data across the borough, including the commuting patterns of residents.

Download transport analysis reports

Economy and employment

Greenwich Local Labour and Business (GLLaB) has assisted over 25,000 people into work since its inception and continues to improve access to employment for Royal Greenwich residents.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich provides a Business Support Service to local businesses, which promotes inward investment and works with partner agencies to create new employment opportunities and increase employment in the borough.

You can find a range of economic analyses, including employment and unemployment rates, Jobseekers Allowance claimants and employment projections.

Wealth and deprivation

This section looks at the wealth and poverty of the Royal Borough of Greenwich in comparison to other local authorities in the UK and across different time periods.