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Polling residents in February and March

Last year, we launched the Our Greenwich Corporate Plan 2022 to 2026 and, as part of our commitment to the Plan, we want to benchmark and measure our progress against its missions.

We will be polling over 1,000 residents to find out about their satisfaction with, and views about, the local area. This feedback will feed into the Council’s upcoming annual plan for 2024 to 2025.

Enventure Research are carrying out this work for us and may be contacting you in the next few weeks.

Poll dates

Polling will start on 15 February 2024 and finish on 17 March 2024.

How we will contact residents

Telephone calls and face-to-face on-street interviews only.

We will not come to your home.

If you have any questions

Please call our contact centre on 020 8854 8888.