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Breaches of the councillors' code of conduct

Councillors must follow the councillors' code of conduct. The code seeks to ensure that councillors observe high standards of conduct which are consistent with the principles of conduct in public life, namely selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

The code also requires councillors to register and disclose their financial and non-financial interests. The code is part of the Royal Borough's constitution.

How to complain

Complaints about a councillor must relate to a specific paragraph in the code. You should give details about the councillor, the paragraph number of the code and details of the breach.

Complete the councillor complaint form and return it to the address stated in the form.

Download the councillor complaint form

If a complaint involves a potential breach of the code and merits an investigation, it will be referred to the Head of Legal Services.

Independent Person and Standards Committee

The law requires the Royal Borough to appoint an Independent Person, and must have regard to their view after any investigation and before reaching a decision on a complaint.

The Royal Borough has established a Standards Committee to promote high standards of conduct and to deal with complaints about councillors who haven't complied with the code.

Download the full procedure for handling complaints about councillors