What GLLaB can do for you
We provide free careers information, advice and guidance, employment support, training and job matching services.
Weekly vacancies email
Receive our weekly vacancies bulletin and have your CV sent to employers.
Job matching
Our job matching team works directly with local employers on your behalf to match you with their vacancies.
After you register with GLLaB we will send your CV to employers, arrange interviews and help you prepare for them.
CV writing and updating
Register your interest with GLLaB for support creating a new CV that shows off your skills and experience.
You can also download our CV writing guide, but we recommend you register with us and sign up for our winning CV workshop.
One-to-one support
Register your interest with GLLaB to receive one-to-one support from one of our advisers. We help people in a range of different circumstances, needs and ages, so we can offer you a menu of tailored support to help you reach your potential.
Register your interest with GLLaB to attend any of our free training. We continually refresh and update our training offer. Some of our most popular training courses include:
- Career Confidence - Steps to Success
- Get IT Savvy
- CSCS (Construction)
- Retail Skills
- Health and Safety.
Jobs fairs and open days
We work with our partners to organise jobs and skills fairs for you to come and meet employers. It gives you the opportunity to speak directly to the employers and employ for vacancies they have.
Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to work for a real employer and gain a real qualification whilst gaining valuable workplace skills and experience. Apprenticeships are not age restricted and the money you earn can vary depending on the employer.
Post 16 trainee and apprenticeships
You can undertake a traineeship or an apprenticeship after you finish year 11. Applying for an apprenticeship is like applying for a job. If you're not ready for an apprenticeship, you can apply for a traineeship instead.