Sensing St Alfege: the flavourful histories of St Alfege Church

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How to book:

All ages welcome, drop-in, no need to book

Curated by Charlotte Harding
Young Creative Producer
Part of Heritage Open Days / New Wave
7-15 September 2024, 11am-4pm (closed on Monday)

This event includes a small exhibition and two workshops detailing the unique stories of St Alfege Church that demonstrate how food connected individuals from the 18th century until today.

Sensing St Alfege: Suffragette Crafting Session
Saturday 7 September 2024
11.30-15.30, Choir Vestry
All ages welcome, drop-in, no need to book

Sensing St Alfege: Pens and Postcards Workshop
Tuesday 10 September 2024
11.30-12.30 & 15.30-17.00, Choir Vestry
All ages welcome, drop-in, no need to book