Plumstead Tales- Celebrating the South Asian Community in Plumstead

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How to book:

Just turn up on that day



Following the success of our Ottoman Journeys exhibition in 2023, we are pleased to present Plumstead Tales, continuing our exploration of the histories that contribute to our borough’s rich and diverse heritage. The South Asian community bloomed in Plumstead following World War II and Plumstead is now home to a Gurdwara, a Mosque, and the first Pashupatinath temple to be established by Nepalese people in Europe. The high street is also home to many businesses – sari shops, asian food shops and restaurants – to support the local population. In the Study at Charlton House you will find objects and images from our museum collection and archives, alongside pictures and stories from the local community. Discover stunning textiles and artefacts including a heavily embellished ‘Guj’ wedding coat, Chapad cloth game and Bengali clay pottery horse. This project is funded by a grant from the Diversity Matters Programme in collaboration with Museum Development London. The exhibition is free to attend and is open during the opening hours of the house and gardens, with no pre-booking required to visit.