Inside a large church, with people sat either side of the aisle
  • Date: 30th April 2024
  • Location: Old Royal Naval College Chapel, SE10 9NN
  • Time: 19:00
  • Cost: £20, £10 for students and children

The Chapel Choirs of the Old Royal Naval College and the Royal Hospital Chelsea combine forces in an historic celebration of the birthday of Queen Mary II (1662-1694).

Directed by Ralph Allwood and William Vann performed by Old Royal Naval College Trinity Laban Chapel Choir, The Royal Hospital Chelsea Chapel Choir and the Brandenburg Baroque Soloists.

The Chapel Choirs of the Old Royal Naval College and the Royal Hospital Chelsea combine forces in an historic celebration of the birthday of Queen Mary II (1662-1694).

Instrumental in the founding of the Old Royal Naval College in 1692, now the home of Trinity Laban, Queen Mary was on the throne when the Royal Hospital opened its doors to its Chelsea Pensioners that same year.

The choirs, accompanied by the renowned instrumental forces of the Brandenburg Baroque Soloists, perform a captivating selection of music written by John Blow and Henry Purcell for Queen Mary’s coronation, birthday, and funeral; we also hear George Frideric Handel’s Utrecht Te Deum, written for her successor to the English throne, Queen Anne (1665-1714).

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