Pendrell Street

Latest updates

See the latest updates for this scheme on the developer's website.

What we're thinking about building on this site

Our current plans are to build three council homes on this site:

  • Two five bedroom houses with private gardens
  • One two bedroom bungalow with a private garden
  • Four parking spaces
  • Four cycle parking spaces
Current status
The designs below have been approved by the Planning team. We are preparing the site for development
How can residents have their say on our plans?

We are now inviting all neighbouring residents to give their views on our plans to improve Pendrell Street for drivers and pedestrians via an online consultation

The design for our new homes has been given planning approval following an earlier consultation with those living near the site. To see documents related to the new homes please visit the planning portal.

Anticipated start date
Autumn 2021
Planned completion date

Other information

Responses to matters raised at our public consultation:

How is the loss of garages and parking being addressed?

We will provide residents who currently use a garage for their car with another garage at a nearby location.

What is being done about overlooking issues from loft room windows?

The new homes are designed to be orientated so that direct overlooking from habitable rooms to the outdoor spaces and habitable rooms of neighbouring properties is avoided. The distance from the top floor dormer windows to the nearest properties to the north is well in excess of 20m.

Will these homes cause a loss of sunlight?

A daylight impact assessment is being carried out for the development as requested by planning officers. This is expected to demonstrate that any reduction in light will to existing neighbours will be negligible.

How will boundary fences and walls be implemented?

The will be a condition of any planning permission that will require details of all boundary treatments to be submitted and approved by the council.

What will be done to minimise dirt,dust, heavy traffic, noise and damage to grass and pavements during construction?

There will be a condition of any planning permission that a Construction Management Plan or similar will need to be submitted and approved by the council prior to any construction works taking place. This will detail how the contractor will control their operations during the construction period. The council will also dictate the hours and days of the week when work can be carried out. Ultimately, the construction period is finite and any disruption or inconvenience will be kept to a minimum.

Will this development cause congestion or compromise safety on surrounding roads?

A Transport Technical Note has been produced to accompany the planning application. It concludes that the proposals should not result in any detrimental impacts in transport terms.

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