
Roots4Life will be running its holiday programme again during the Easter Holiday. Sessions will run from 10am - 2pm on Activities will include cooking lessons, physical activity from tennis, football and boxing as well as a hot lunch and healthy snacks everyday. Our Easter camp will offer fun and outdoor activities that will help your child build their confidence, enjoying cooking and eating fresh produce as well as other activities such as team sport, nature trails, gardening and arts and crafts. Suitable for children aged 7-13 years.

Type of programme
Children's learning through play
7 to 13
SEND provision

Roots4Life has 4 SEND spaces which are suitable for children and young people that might have ASD/ ADHD or learning difficulties. Roots4Life offers an immersive programme with 1:1 support for children and young people who wish to join in activities with the larger groups (usually 8-10 children in each group activity) but might sometimes require time out with a 1:1 adult. For example during meal times, or on arrival. Prior to being offered a SEN place, the Roots4Life Manager or Deputy Manager will call a parent or guardian to discuss needs, specialist diet and any communication preferences. Unfortunately these places are not suitable for children or young people in specialist education provision or with more severe learning needs.

Monday to Thursday (8th to 11th) April
10am to 2pm
Roots4Life, 245 Footscray Road
Social media
F:Roots 4 Life
To register, phone:
07470 802 379
Booking link
To register, e-mail:
Name of programme
Name of organisation