Not everyone is born into equal circumstances. To improve the social mobility of our society, we must recognise the barriers that people face and prevent them from reaching their potential.

The Council is committed to improving the social mobility of our residents by ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to build a good life for themselves regardless of their family background.

Our social mobility delivery plan seeks to understand and tackle the barriers that people face on a daily basis.

The plan includes 25 recommendations based around eight themes. Some of the recommendations are to:

  • establish a Universal Support Team to provide 1-1 support to individuals transitioning onto Universal Credit
  • provide over 8,000 meals to school aged children during the holidays
  • link nurseries with residential care homes to encourage social interaction between age groups
  • fund a sports coaching trainee programme for 16-25 year olds who are not in, or at risk of not being in, education, employment or training to support them into work
  • run a series of events across the borough linking employers and disabled individuals who are unemployed to actively support them in getting a job.

Download the social mobility delivery plan

The Royal Greenwich Fairness Commission produced a number of recommendations that have been built into this work, taking into account the changes that have been seen in the continued impact of austerity. Lord Kerslake Chair of the Royal Greenwich Fairness Commission, said:

“I am delighted to support your social mobility delivery plan, which builds on the Fairness Commission that I chaired. The commitment of the Council to confronting inequality and taking practical action to break down the barriers for those who are most disadvantaged in improving their lives is deeply impressive.”

Social Mobility Board

Our Social Mobility Board ensures that there is focus to deliver the recommendations and that further initiatives can be assessed and actioned.

The Board is made up of three permanent members:

  • Cllr Danny Thorpe, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Community and Corporate Services
  • Cllr Averil Lekau, Cabinet Member for Adult's Social Care and Health
  • Katrina Delaney, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Communities and Environment